Your gift: The Strategy Map eBook

What others are saying

Your not alone. Many scour bulletin boards; looking for reassurance from others, some double down and opt to buy more shares, whilst others just bury their head in the sand. Luckily for you, you’re now 1 step closer to having a solid, data-backed plan.

Your not alone. Many scour bulletin boards; looking for reassurance from others, some double down and opt to buy more shares, whilst others just bury their head in the sand. Luckily for you, you’re now 1 step closer to having a solid, data-backed plan.

Paul Scott

The Small Cap Value Report

Robbie Burns

The Naked Trader

Elio D'Amato spent 17 years with research house and boutique fund manager, Lincoln Indicators. This included overseeing the stock research platform Stock Doctor. He regularly contributes his insights to the Australian Financial Review, ABC Radio and other media outlets. 

Elio D'Amato


"I have now got a portfolio which is diversified across market cap sizes and sectors. I’ve also gained a way of buying, selling and monitoring my investments with confidence. I am currently obtaining a double-digit annualised return and consistently beating the FTSE 100."

Howard, Stockopedia Subscriber

Stockopedia subscribers have used this strategy and adapted it to their own requirements to achieve some truly phenomenal results. 

"My investing is now much more structured and the results more measurable. My level of worry is reduced and I feel better able to structure my portfolio without needing to thrash around for something to buy. I'm on course for an excellent year, achieving over 15% returns.

John, Stockopedia Subscriber

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Chris Batchelor


Chris Batchelor was a co-founder of stock market research business Skaffold, alongside Roger Montgomery. He ran the business for seven years until it was sold. He is a regular contributor to Kaplan Professional’s CPD program, as well as Money Magazine and other media.  

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