Forensic stock analysis masterclass: How to get the most out of the StockReports in 2024

What others are saying

Your not alone. Many scour bulletin boards; looking for reassurance from others, some double down and opt to buy more shares, whilst others just bury their head in the sand. Luckily for you, you’re now 1 step closer to having a solid, data-backed plan.

Your not alone. Many scour bulletin boards; looking for reassurance from others, some double down and opt to buy more shares, whilst others just bury their head in the sand. Luckily for you, you’re now 1 step closer to having a solid, data-backed plan.

Paul Scott

The Small Cap Value Report

Robbie Burns

The Naked Trader

"In this masterclass I'll show you how the StockReports reveal all the crucial insights you need to maximise returns & minimise risk when researching stocks. Based on over 20 years of market study, I'll show you how you can quickly scan the reports to identify overlooked opportunities, hidden red flags, and predictors of outperformance using a company's fundamental financial statistics. Our StockReports are our most popular tool for a reason - make 2024 the year you get the most out of them!"

Ed Page Croft, CFA

CEO & Co-founder, Stockopedia

"I have now got a portfolio which is diversified across market cap sizes and sectors. I’ve also gained a way of buying, selling and monitoring my investments with confidence. I am currently obtaining a double-digit annualised return and consistently beating the FTSE 100."

Howard, Stockopedia Subscriber

Stockopedia subscribers have used this strategy and adapted it to their own requirements to achieve some truly phenomenal results. 

"My investing is now much more structured and the results more measurable. My level of worry is reduced and I feel better able to structure my portfolio without needing to thrash around for something to buy. I'm on course for an excellent year, achieving over 15% returns.

John, Stockopedia Subscriber

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Your masterclass host:

Learn how you can use the StockReports to your advantage in 2024

Join the masterclass: 
Wednesday, February 21st at 6pm (GMT)


Stock picking in 2024? You'll learn how to use the StockRanks to pick higher-probability stocks (and avoid potential disasters).

Understand potential bankruptcy and earnings risks in your stocks using the F-, Z- and M-Scores.

Instantly understand the underlying volatility of your stocks using the RiskRating classifications.

Avoid companies that overpromise & underdeliver using a StockReport's financial history section.

Find overlooked opportunities, by learning how a stock's key financial statistics compare to its industry and market peer group.

Read between the lines of broker recommendations and forecasts to determine the most likely trend for the future.

Use the StockReports' director and institutional dealings data to gauge the sentiment of the smart money.

"Gloriously designed - the individual company pages on Stockopedia are an absolute delight and incredibly easy to read."

David Stevenson

Journalist, Financial Times

"I have listened to a number of Ed’s webinars and started to learn how to be more analytical when evaluating companies to invest in... My approach to investing has been vastly improved"

Charles Spencer-Phillips

ShareSoc Non-Exec Director

Our StockReports are popular for a reason - register today to maximise how you use them

The StockRanks™ are based on a set of factors proven to find winning stocks over decades of research by Nobel Prize winning academics

In a recent survey of 1,143 subscribers, 73% said the StockRanks were the feature that most contributed to their outperformance

*December 2017 survey of Stockopedia Subscribers.

In this live masterclass, Stockopedia co-founder Ed Croft will teach you how to use Stockopedia's StockReports to quickly assess the safety and potential of any stock. 

With key indicators, financial ratios, and hidden red flags, you'll perform quicker, more confident analysis on your stock market investments in 2024.

Wednesday 21st February, 6pm (GMT)

Ed Page Croft, CFA, is the founder of Stockopedia and has been a keynote speaker at standing room only sessions at the UK Investor Show, World Money Show, Mello, Master Investor and London Investor Show.